Your reliable business partner in consumer electronics wholesale

Since CEC was founded in 2013, we have successfully built strong networks of our local partners, as well as European and International contacts. We service our partners and customers with a wide range of consumer goods, providing them with reliable and cost-effective solutions.
Our extensive product range includes white and brown goods, IT, TV and consumer electronics. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service, and we continuously seek new opportunities to expand our reach. Our efforts have resulted in many successful relationships with leading partners and customers throughout Europe and the Middle East.
We are also provide to our clients consulting and advisory services, project management , property development and investment services, A business analysis that considers all the business factors, such as the economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations, is known as the feasibility study .
This led our company to increase turnover and profit and also allowed us to gain new and long-term business relationships through projects in which we participate and on which we are constantly working with current and new clients.

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One of our Professional sales team is ready to advise, estimate, source stock and to cater for your companies needs. We ship Worldwide *speak to your sales manager for more info
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